
31 de marzo

Pág 69 1. What can you see in photos 1-6? Use the adjectives in the box to help you describe the photos. 1- safe 2- crowded 3- fun 4- busy 5- noisy 6- interesting Pág 70 1. Copy and complete the tablet with the food un the box. Can you add more words to tu table? Fruit and vegetables : Apples, mushrooms, onions, salad, tomatoes. Meat and diary products : Beef, chicken, chips, chickpeas, chese. Pulses and catboydrates : Beans, pasta, bread, rice, spices, oil. Other : Chocolate, chilli sauce, yoghurt, sugar. Pág 71 4. Read the guide again. Name the stall(s) where you can eat A Spanish snack 6. Copy and complete the highlighted words un the guide 1. Tasty 2. Spicy 3. Healthy 4. Sweet 5. Crunchy 6. Salty 7. How do you say the sentencia in the Learn It! box un your lenguage? Beef : Carne de vaca Pork: Cerdo Cows: Vacas Pigs : Cerdos Fish : Pez Chiken: Pollo